For any given day that a particular Dr works the appointment slots for their clinic are released in batches.
How it works
We offer book-on-day appointments from 07:30 each day to those who have registered for on-line booking. We encourage all other patients to ring at 08:30. We also have pre-bookable appointments which are available at least two weeks in advance. Appointments with all health professionals can be made on line, at reception or by telephone.
Ring 0113 221 3510 to book an appointment.
If your problem is too urgent to wait for the next routine appointment, you will be asked to attend that same session, but this may not be with the doctor of your choice.
Alternatives methods of contact
Each Doctor has a limited number of phone appointments at the end of morning clinic (between 11:00 and 12:00).
How to book
The easiest method is via our online services portal, where you can book face to face and phone appointments, register for online services.
0113 221 3510