Direct Care – who might receive my personal data and for what reason?

Recipient of dataReason
Leeds Hospital Foundation TrustSecondary or emergency care
ยท         Other national providers of health care who you choose to be referred to, in consultation with your healthcare professionalSecondary or specialist care
Leeds & York Partnership Foundation TrustMental health & learning disability services
Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals TrustDiabetic eye-screening services
Leeds Community Healthcare TrustDistrict Nursing services
NHS National Diabetes Prevention ProgrammeInformation and lifestyle education
Local Care DirectOut of Hours primary care provider
Leeds City CouncilSocial Care services
Connect WellSocial prescribing
Reed MomentaProvider of One You Leeds services
Forward Leeds partnershipProvider of Forward Leeds drug & alcohol services
Calibre Care Partners LtdProvider of extended access appointments over the telephone and at local hubs.