Private Vaccination Clinic

Vaccination clinic

At SF Screening and Vaccination we have a private screening and vaccination clinic to see all patients including those who are not registered with the practice. We offer the following services:-



A full list of the services we offer along with the prices are on our vaccination website –

You can email the clinic to book an appointment or make an enquiry on:-

[email protected]

Alternatively, you can phone our appointment line on 0113 8730242

Extended Access Service

Evening and weekend appointments are now available with GPs, practice nurses and other healthcare professionals for routine pre-booked services.



Evening appointments

There are now extra routine appointments available in the evening, making it easier for you to get an appointment at a time to suit you.

The practice offers:


A virtual clinical pharmacist service.

This is a telephone appointment for patients who: need to speak to a pharmacist regarding a medication issue; but don’t need to come to the surgery. The pharmacists are able to prescribe and organise prescriptions electronically.

A virtual musculoskeletal (MSK) service

This is a telephone appointment for patients who need to speak to an advanced physiotherapist regarding muscle and joint problems. They will issue advice and where appropriate arrange a follow up.


A virtual mental health support service (Healthy Minds)

This is a telephone appointment for patients aged 18 and over who would like help with emotional wellbeing. It will provide a 20minute telephone consultation with Healthy Minds Practitioners who will be able to offer support for patients experiencing low mood, stress or anxiety. They will offer support, explore and develop coping strategies and offer signposting and recommend other support services. Please speak to the Reception team for further information on how to book an appointment.


For either of the above please speak to the reception team for further information on how to book one of these appointments.


Saturday and Sunday morning face to face appointments

There are now Saturday and Sunday morning routine appointments from 9-12pm available through our extended access service at:

Rutland Lodge Medical Practice
Scott Hall Road

This increased availability is an extension of the services offered by your practice and is provided by a range of local clinicians including GPs, nurses and health care assistants.

Please note, this is not a walk-in service – you still need to make an appointment via your own GP practice. Extended Access appointments are for routine general practice issues and not for urgent care. If your practice is closed and you are unwell please call NHS 111

This increased availability is an extension of the services offered by your practice and is provided by a range of local clinicians including GPs, nurses and health care assistants.

Please note, this is not a walk-in service – you still need to make an appointment. Appointments can be made either via your own GP practice or by calling the extended access team on 0113 221 3540 between 9am and 12pm on Saturday and Sunday.

There are a limited number of GP, Nurse, Health Care Assistant and Phlebotomy appointments available.

If you:

  • find it difficult to attend an appointment during the working day

  • are a busy parent with small children; or

  • rely on working carers to take you to appointments;

then this service is here to support you.

Booking an appointment

To book an appointment you must contact us. An appointment must have been booked in advance of visiting the extended hours service. You can contact our practice by telephone on 0113 221 3510. Ask us for more details if you’d like to go online to book/cancel appointments in the future as well ordering repeat prescriptions.

Please note that when you book an appointment the practice will ask you for consent to share your detailed GP record with the clinician providing the care.

Should you need to cancel your appointment please contact us. Remember if you no longer need your appointment, please cancel it so someone else can have it.

Please be aware that this is not a walk-in service – you must have an appointment.

Who and where will you be seen?

Evening and weekend appointments are likely to be in one of the hubs and not necessarily at your usual GP practice. Your GP practice will be able to advise you where you need to be when you book your appointment.

Please be aware that appointments booked at the hubs providing evening and/or weekend appointments will be with a GP, practice nurse or other appropriate healthcare professional who works on behalf of all the local GP practices. This may mean that you have an appointment with a GP, practice nurse or other appropriate healthcare professional who does not usually work for your usual GP practice, but you will still receive the same level of care.

All the GPs and nurses working in the HUB will be able to access all the necessary information about you to give you the highest level of care and the process will be exactly the same as you would receive from a GP or nurse at your usual GP practice.

Need to see a primary care professional urgently? Call NHS 111

Call NHS 111 if you think you need to be urgently seen by a GP, practice nurse or other healthcare professional. The trained advisor for NHS 111 will carry out a telephone assessment and, if needed, will book you an appointment with an out-of-hours GP service.

Extended hours appointments are for routine general practice issues and not for urgent care.  If urgent care is required please call NHS111 for advice.

About the service

NHS Leeds CCG is committed to improving access to primary care services and is working closely with the Leeds GP Confederation to make this happen. This includes making appointments available at times that are convenient to patients.

The CCG has arranged for additional appointments to be provided outside of normal GP practice hours by the Leeds GP Confederation.

The service offers pre-bookable, routine primary care appointments with a range of clinicians including GPs, nurses and health care assistants.

How do we use your information to run evening and weekend services?

In order to run evening and weekend GP clinics, the 37 practices in Leeds West have joined together to open ‘Hubs’ that make the best use of the limited resources available for these kinds of services. By running clinics from fewer locations we are able to offer more appointments than if each practice opened in the evenings and on weekends.

For all practices to be able to book appointments for their patients at these Hubs we use a dedicated clinical system called SystmOne to host an appointment book which all participating GP practices can access to book appointments for their patients. GP’s at the Hub use this system to help them locate the patients medical records on our practice clinical system which they access for the purpose of providing care during the appointment the patient has booked in an evening or weekend clinic at the Hub.

This requires us sharing the following patient information on the Hub appointment booking system:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Contact Telephone Number
  • Registered Practice

Help us, help you by sharing this information

We’d be grateful if you could help us, help you by ensuring your family, friends and any other contacts are aware of the improved availability of appointments. Please do share this webpage with people you know.

Extended access venue

Rutland Lodge Medical Practice
Scott Hall Road

Primary Care Networks (PCN)

A primary care network is a group of practices who work together to focus on local patient care. They’ve been around since 2019 and 99 per cent of practices across England now work as part of one.

With increased demand and a shortage of clinical staff, practices find they can provide greater, more personalised care for patients when they can work together on certain services or issues.

Woodhouse Medical Practice is part of Chapeltown PCN, working with Allerton and Westfield Medical Centre and St Martin’s Practice.

Alcohol and Drug Service

Do I need help?

Take the alcohol test this is an excellent online tool which helps you work out if you’re at risk of alcohol-related problems and some simple things you can do to reduce the risk.

This tool is also available in paper format:

Alcohol brief intervention

Getting help

Forward Leeds

Forward Leeds has a wide range of services that support young people, adults and families in Leeds with alcohol and/or drug use.

It is the service that our Doctors will refer you to if you need help, you can also self-refer to the service.

Here is the list of Forward Leeds services.

Alternatively you can call them on 0113 8872477.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a national network of free self-help groups aimed at helping people recover from alcoholism. Some people find them very useful and our Doctors often recommend them.

The best way of finding out about them and your closest group is at Alcoholics Anonymous

You may need Adobe Reader to view PDFs.

Annual Health Check

Health checks for people with a diagnosed problem

If you have one of the following conditions then you will be invited for an annual health check.

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney disease
  • Heart disease
  • Asthma
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Learning disabilities
  • Dementia
  • Severe mental health problems

We invite all our patients for their annual health.

You may need a blood test before the appointment, in which case the invite will say this.

The appointment will be 20 minutes long, however if you have more than one problem it will be longer.

Housebound and Older Patients

Additional support as you get older.

Clinical Care Co-ordinators

As you get older the range of problems you face can grow, to the point where it might be difficult to cope, know what to do for the best, or make it difficult for you to leave your house.

We have a small team of nurses at the practice who support older people with complex needs to sort out problems you can find yourself faced with.

The sorts of things they can help you with are:

  • Mobility issues
  • Memory problems
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Housing issues
  • Practical issues such as help dressing and cleaning
  • Health issues

Their role is to help you understand the range of services available and support you in deciding the best course of action.

If you feel they could be of help then ask your doctor to put you in touch.

District Nurses

District Nurses carry out many roles for housebound patients, including:

  • General nursing procedures and investigations
  • Post-surgery care
  • Assessment of patients’ needs
  • Care for terminally ill patients
  • Loaning of equipment
  • Looking after wounds and leg ulcers
  • Educating patients about self-care

Referrals can be made by a Dr or nurse at the practice, patients themselves or by carers and family members.

Community Matron

Angela Ashmore is our Community Matron.

Community matrons specialise in caring for older people, whether they live in their own home or a care home. They help patients manage their health problems and try to prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital.

If a patient has to be admitted, they will communicate with the hospital team to ensure a smooth a discharge as possible.

Dementia services

It is very important that anyone who has problems with their memory has a proper assessment. If these problems are due to dementia then early diagnosis and referral have many benefits for the patient, their carer(s) and family. It can help them to plan and access the treatment and support they need and to improve their quality of life.

Please book with one of Dr’s who can make the initial assessment and refer you to the memory clinic if needs be.

Adult Social Care

Leeds city council help people aged over 18 to live as well as possible with their illness, disability or other problems. It can include help with things like washing, dressing, eating, getting out and about and keeping in touch with family and friends.

Adults who may need extra care and support include:

  • Older people
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People with physical disabilities
  • People with mental health problems
  • People with drug and/or alcohol issues
  • Carers

They offer a wide range of support and help and their adults and health page is a good place to start.

Or call them 0113 222 4401 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)

This can be done by you, a family member, a friend.

If you have difficulty using the telephone please email them at [email protected].

Maternity Services


You can book an appointment with the midwife via the reception desk on 0113 221 3510.

The role of the midwife

A midwife is a qualified nurse who has undertaken further training to provide and promote normal midwifery.

They help you to prepare for motherhood and promote good health for yourself and your baby by advising on the effects of drinking, smoking and good diet whilst you are pregnant.

The midwife guides you through your pregnancy and endeavours to detect any problems and make relevant referrals if necessary.

First appointment with the midwife

If you are pregnant you do not need to see the Dr in order to have your first appointment with the midwife.

You can arrange a booking appointment via the reception desk. This first appointment should be at about 9 weeks of pregnancy.

Due date calculator

The Midwife will discuss your options for delivery, arrange appropriate referrals and provide you with dietary advice.

She will also take blood tests and will subsequently discuss the results with you. Whilst you are pregnant and until your baby is one year old you are entitled to free prescriptions and dental treatment. The Midwife will organise for an exemption certificate to be signed and sent off.

During The Pregnancy

Your maternity book lists when you will be seen by the Midwife, Doctor and hospital through your pregnancy. Should you have any concerns at any other time you can contact your midwife or, if she is not available, make an appointment to see a Doctor during normal surgery hours.

At some point during the course of your pregnancy, the Health Visitor will meet you to talk to you about her role in your care and about the childhood vaccination programme.

After Your Birth

After delivery, your Midwife will visit you at home to help you and your baby. Following the birth, she will visit you on your first day at home. When your baby is five days old she will carry out the Guthrie test (which is a special screening test that the Midwife will give you information about) and at ten days old she will discharge you and your baby from her care. Extra visits may be arranged according to need.

Your Health Visitor will visit you at home when your baby is between 10 and 14 days old and can advise on feeding, weaning and any family issues you may have.

About 6 weeks after your birth you should make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss contraception and any concerns you have about your own health.


It takes time for you and your baby to learn how to breastfeed.

The NHS Choices page on breast feeding might be useful.

Your midwife can also offer support and advice.

There are also a number of national services offering local support groups, which can be accessed via their websites:

Social Prescribing Service

The term ‘social prescribing’ is used to describe a service which supports people to access a range of non-medical services and activities in their local area.

Social prescribing can help people with different social, emotional or practical needs to find the right support and improve their health and wellbeing.

The service can help you:

  • Get support to improve your physical health.
  • Find employment or volunteering opportunities or learn a new skill.
  • Tackle money, housing, work or benefits issues.
  • Cope with a particular condition or difficulty.
  • Access ways of improving your emotional wellbeing such as befriending schemes, peer support or arts and leisure activities.

Our local service is run by Patient Empowerment Project (PEP).

To make an appointment please contact them on 0113 279 5870 or email [email protected].

Advocacy Services

Advocacy means helping another person to communicate their views and wishes.


GPs often act as advocates for patients when dealing with issues in the hospital or by making sure that their patients’ and/or families’ voices are heard when a decision is needed about their care.

Advocacy involves looking at choices together and helping patients to make decisions. It may be writing a letter of support or communicating on behalf of the patient.

When advocates who are not part of social services or the NHS are needed, they can be found in Leeds at:



For general advice about bereavement you might find the NHS choices article on bereavement useful.

If you are looking for advice about dealing with the practical aspects (such as legal issues) of someone dying then try the Bereavement Advice Centre.

The Leeds Bereavement Forum collates allot of information on the services available in Leeds.

In person

There are also several organisations and charities that provide specialist advice and support to those that have been bereaved: