COVID-19 ( Corona Virus)
Check if you have Corona Virus symptoms
Read more about what you need to do.
Urgent public health study – Principle Study
Visit here
Number of cases
As of 9am on 27 July, 300,111 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the UK
As of 5pm on 28 July, of those tested positive for coronavirus in the UK, 45,759 have died across all settings.
Total Cases in Leeds 3,757
Data on UK positive and negative tests and data on deaths is updated on this page daily at 2pm or shortly after. The figures for test results and for deaths are compiled from different sources. This is why the figures for deaths are reported from an earlier point in time than the figures for test results.
Cases identified in England
Confirmed cases in each local authority and NHS region are published by Public Health England (PHE).
Recent Government action
The government published its corona virus action plan on 3 March.
On 10 February, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, announced strengthened legal powers to protect public health.
The Health Protection (Corona virus) Regulations 2020 have been put in place to reduce the risk of further human-to-human transmission in this country by keeping individuals in isolation where public health professionals believe there is a reasonable risk an individual may have the virus.
Help if you have to stay at home
Leeds City Council have a Help-Line you can contact during the current crisis If you are self-isolating and you do not have friends or family who live locally who can help, you can get help from Voluntary Action Leeds.
If you need help phone 0113 378 1877.
Food banks
Find information on where help and food can be accessed across Leeds.
We’re creating a mapping tool to help you find food and supplies across Leeds. This will be available shortly.
All telephone requests for appointments at the surgery are currently being triaged. If you are unsure, please ask for a GP to ring you back. More updates to follow. Thank you
Become a volunteer!
Leeds City Council have joined Voluntary Action Leeds to help provide care and support.
Sign up to become a volunteerExternal link
Training will be provided so volunteers are as safe as possible.
For more information email or call 0113 297 7920.
If you are a community group wanting to volunteer you should contact VAL.
You can also help in your local area. Get tips and guidance on how to support your neighbours by downloading VAL’s Being a good neighbour packExternal link.
Emergency childcare support
If you need help with emergency childcare support due to the COVID-19 pandemic, please complete the form below.